Province of Panama



Museo Afroantillano (Afro-Antillan Museum)
Located at Calle 24 Este (East 24th Street) and Ave. Justo Arosemena, Barrio de Calidonia, in the building of the former Christian Mission. Open Monday through Friday. The museum features artistic and common objects of the afro-antillan group that arrived to the isthmus for the construction of the Panama Canal. There are many pictures that document the early years of the 20th century in Panama.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Museum of Comtemporary Art)
Inaugurated in December, 1983, this museum is located in Avenida de los Mártires (Marthyrs Ave.) and Calle San Blas (San Blas St.), in the Ancon Area. It features the work of both Panamanian and international artists. Open Monday through Saturday.

Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial (Museum of Religious Colonial Art)
Open to the public since 1974 and located in Calle 3a. (3rd St.) and Avenida A (A Ave.), in the San Felipe Area. The building was erected in 1678 for the Santo Domingo Church and Convent. Open Monday through Friday.

Museo de Ciencias Naturales (Museum of Natural Science)
Located between Calle 29 and Calle 30 (29th and 30th Streets) on Ave. Cuba (this is in the Calidonia Area). Founded in 1975. Several samples of Panamanian paleontology and geology, as well as Panamanian animals and animals of other areas of the world.

Museo de Historia de Panamá (Museum of Panamanian History)
Located in the area of San Felipe, on Avenida 7a. Central (7th Central Ave.) between Calles 6 and 7 (6th and 7th Streets). The building, of neo-classic architecture, was erected in 1910.

Museo Antropológico Reina Torres de Arauz (Anthropology Museum)
It is considered by many the most important museum of the country. It was founded in 1976. Located in the Plaza 5 de Mayo on the Avenida Central (Central Ave.) Open Tuesday through Sunday.

Casa Museo del Banco Nacional (Museum of the National Bank)
Founded in 1983. It is located at Calle 34 (34th St.) and Avenida Cuba (Cuba Ave.), area of Bella Vista. It features a historical collection of Panamanian coins and postal stamps. Open Tuesday through Saturday.


(Other than Panama City)


Commercial and Agricultural Fair of La Chorrera
City of La Chorrera, February. Crafts, cockfights, exhibitions, contests, dances, and other attractions.

Some of the Cities in the Province

La Chorrera
Las Cumbres
Taboga Island
Contadora Island

El Rey Island

The largest island in the Archipiélago de las Perlas (Pearls Archipielago).

Canal de Panamá (Panama Canal)

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